Carbon results for

Hurrah! This web page is cleaner than 0% of web pages tested

Only 0.0g of CO2 is produced every time someone visits this web page.

Oh no, it looks like this web page uses bog standard energyIf this web page used green hosting, then it would emit 9% less CO2

Over a year, with 10,000 monthly page views, this web produces

kg of CO2 equivalent.

The same weight as sumo wrestlers and as much CO2 as boiling water for cups of tea


Woah, that’s a lot of bubbles!


This web page emits the amount of carbon that treesabsorb in a year.

kWh of energy

That’s enough electricity to drive an electric car km.

Take action

Here's three things you can do now

Switch to a green host

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Make your website more efficient

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Plant trees to reduce your carbon impact

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Curious about web sustainability?

Further reading

Want to learn more? Check out Tom's latest book 'Sustainable Web Design' and learn how to make small, thoughtful changes during design and development that can reduce the damage and cost to the environment.

Read more

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