Building a Color Palette Framework
How to define a framework of colors while building a color palette for your brand
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Ambev embaralha nomes de marcas em ação sobre consumo consciente - propmark
Antratcica, Sokl, Bwedusier, Sltela Atrios, Bhamra, Cronoa Etrxa alertam sobre efeitos do álcool; criação é da SunsetDDB
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Google Apresenta: Mobile Day
Um dia para os mobile experts de amanhã. O Mobile tem transformado não só a vidas das pessoas, mas também mercados e indú...
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Parkland Students Made a Trumpet From Bullet Casings for Musicians to Play at Shows
Eco Moliterno, Africa | YouTube ViewBusters - Episódio 01
Antonio Tabet, do Porta dos Fundos, entrevista os diretores de criação que arrebentam no YT Ads Leaderboard. No primeiro epi...
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The Instagram Aesthetic Is Over
The look made famous by the platform just doesn’t resonate anymore.
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The Refugee Nation
A bandeira dos refugiados.
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The Mill Blackbird brings photorealistic AR to car commercials
It may not look like much on its own, but with just a little CG magic this Blackbird can look like any car you want. Subscribe...
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Meet Project Aero
Get a sneak peek at Project Aero, first previewed at Apple's Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC) 2018. This is an early...
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Axis of Awesome - 4 Four Chord Song (with song titles)
Australian comedy group 'Axis Of Awesome' perform a sketch from the 2009 Melbourne International Comedy Festival. Footage...
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Brand Book Globo
A Globo lançou seu “brand book”, o chamado Livro da Marca que mostra a trajetória da marca e busca e reforçar o relacionamento da mes...
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Pseudo Design Titles
A satirical title generator for designers seeking a title apart from other designers.
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Oreo recria abertura de "Game of Thrones" com as próprias bolachas (ou biscoitos)
Em mais uma ação para a aguardada estreia da última temporada de “Game of Thrones”, a Oreo recriou a abertura da série usando...
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Introducing Checkout on Instagram
Today, we’re introducing checkout on Instagram. When you find a product you love, you can now buy it without leaving the a...
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Recursos | Thiago Souza
Alguns recursos uteis para o nosso dia a dia
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Pedro Serra Pedro Serra 5 anos
Quase metade das vendas em Portugal são feitas em promoção
Em 2018, as vendas em promoção atingiram o valor de 3,5 mil milhões de euros. Portugal é o quarto país europeu onde a pr...
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The Social Web of Things
Ericsson believes that in the Networked Society, more than 50 billion things will be connected, in order to make our lives...
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Pedro Serra Pedro Serra 5 anos
Sipsmith Gin | We Make Gin Not Compromises
Lovingly handcrafted in London, just like our gin. Please enjoy our first ever advert, starring the inimitable Mr Swan. See...
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* NEW BOOK OUT NOW * BIG BANG BIG BOOM: an unscientific point of view on the beginning and evolution...
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50 meticulous style guides every startup should see before launching – Learn
Don't even think about scaling your design without one.
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