Heineken The Candidate (Legendado)
ATENÇÃO - Este ví­deo foi legendado para ser usado com finalidades acadêmicas e nas palestras que ministro sobre empregabilidade. A He...
105 0
O fantástico Kama Sutra da Ikea
Sabe aquela série de "piadocas" sobre expectativas adolescentes x adultas, que divertem as redes sociais, do tipo "Pool...
53 0
Sandy Hook Promise: Gun violence warning signs
Sandy Hook Promise is a nonprofit organization formed in Newtown, CT, following the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings....
94 0
Humanologia Shell Select. A tecnologia de saber o que você gosta.
Assista à versão estendida do vídeo na nova campanha da Shell. Uma paradinha na Shell Select e você sai melhor do que...
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Liminal thinking The pyramid of belief
What is belief? How do we know what we know? Why do we disagree about things that seem obvious? Learn more at http://lim...
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@nike on Instagram: “Show them what crazy dreams can do. #justdoit ⠀ ????: Sound on”
3.5m Likes, 68.6k Comments - @nike on Instagram: “Show them what crazy dreams can do. #justdoit ⠀ ????: Sound on”
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Pedro Serra Pedro Serra 5 anos
Digital Marketing Encyclopedia
Uma boa enciclopédia sobre termos e técnicas de digital marketing
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2018 State of Curiosity Report
Breakthroughs begin with curiosity – explore its key enhancers and barriers! #alwayscurious
134 0
Pedro Serra Pedro Serra 5 anos
The New Normal - A Short by Spike Jonze - MedMen
Welcome to The New Normal, a journey through America’s complex history with cannabis. Directed by Spike Jonze. Learn mo...
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New Balance Opened a Bar Where You Can Exchange Miles for Pints
Marca de ração usa buscas por raças no Google para incentivar adoção de vira-latas
A Güd, marca de ração para cachorros, através do projeto Busca Dogues, quer promover a adoção de cãezinhos abandonados atravé...
166 0
Life After Death by Powerpoint (Corporate Comedy Video)
Funny - Como não usar o Powerpoint. Erros comuns e muito irritantes nas apresentações.
111 0
ALEXA Smart Mirror (New Build)
Software Setup: https://youtu.be/HO326ptdlco Testing the Build: https://youtu.be/t-gSjdJX5HY Custom Calendar Setup: https://youtu.be/KLGi9467S34...
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Tight Squeeze
New Logo for Zara by Baron & Baron
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Intro to AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages)
Watch more videos about AMP on the AMP Channel → http://bit.ly/AMPchannel1 AMP, short for Accelerated Mobile Pages, is...
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Stand out in search results with Rich Cards
Mariya introduces Rich Cards — a new Search result format using schema.org structured markup to display your content in...
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Toyota Window to the world - multimedia system
Imagine when a journey from A to B is no longer routine as your car in the near-future encourages a sense of play, exploration...
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Mastercard Drops Its Name from Logo
Mastercard is removing its name from its logo in most contexts, leaving the interlocking red and yellow circles to represent...
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Remove Background from Image – remove.bg
Remove Image Background: 100% automatically – in 5 seconds – without a single click
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The State Of Advertising Has Never Been Worse
While in-house agencies and consultancies are on the rise, the former lack agency-grade talent and the latter lack creative...
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