We developed an idea which focused on people’s relationship to great shows. A campaign anchored in the insight that our f...
Amazon Prime Video is the largest collection of video entertainment ever amassed in one place. Yet say ‘Amazon Prime’ to...
'Excitable Edgar' features Bastille's Dan Smith singing REO Speedwagon
A sweet story, but is it a relevant one?
New Logo and Identity for Reebok done In-house with Darrin Crescenzi
A new brand system designed for clarity, inspired by people.
Create and test amazing font pair combinations and see how they look in your project
Integrated advertisement created by PPM, Brazil for Ragazzo, within the category: Food.
Flippaper est un flipper dessiné par ses propres joueurs sur une feuille de papier. Ce projet a été conçu par Jérémie Corti...
Em uma ação o Burger King da Argentina decidiu que todas as suas lojas no país deixaram de vender o Whooper, lanche mais fa...
The Eighth Wonder Of The World has finally made his way back to New York City, where he is one of the centerpieces of a new...
Chama-se "Cook This Page" e são folhas com espaços para preencher com os alimentos, como se estivesse a montar um móvel.
Print advertisement created by Executiva Propaganda, Brazil for Potigás, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Ambos patrocinadores da Confederação Brasileira de Futebol (CBF), a Gol e o Guaraná Antarctica se uniram para lançar uma...
Sydney studio Landor helps Coca Cola to cool down Australia's summer with a frozen rebrand.
Desafio: A imagem da CBF precisava ser revitalizada, em todos os sentidos. Além disso, sua Marca estava desconectada da...
Coca-Cola wants you to taste the feeling of acting consciously.
Why didn't any gun or ammunition company think of this? *** PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL ***
Soul Asylum’s Runaway Train was one of the few hit music videos of the early 90s to make a social statement. Now the song a...
A FOX Channel está divulgando o lançamento da série "The Passage", que conta a história de um vírus que transforma pessoas em v...