The Universal language of Coca-Cola - Santiago Cony Etchart
DeepSeek-V3 achieves a significant breakthrough in inference speed over previous models. It tops the leaderboard among...
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Create Amazing Mockups
Create Amazing Mockups
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Finalmente é revelada a origem do MorumBIS, o maior trocadilho da história.
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For The Love Of The Game: Football Ads That Scored With Audiences
Before UEFA's Euro 2024 kicks off, we’ve hand-selected 15 G.O.A.T. footy ads from over the years
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The Engineer - One Last Dance
The Engineer - One Last Dance · Playlist · 80 songs · 1 likes
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'Miss AI' finalists: Meet the fake models competing for the crown
Amidst the concerns that AI is threatening job security and artistic professions, Fanvue World AI Creator Awards have announced...
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Ingenious optical illusion billboard takes the terror out of the prostate check
This campaign hits a bum note – in the best possible way.
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Coatings for metal and plastic in the general industrial segments. Best-in-class performance. Optimal product range. Short...
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Unifiers of Japan
This site is a love letter of our latest fascination with ancient samurai history and the three great unifiers of Japan....
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Hugo Paraíso Hugo Paraíso 10 meses
MACMA: Man boobs for boobs
Uploaded with permission from Ad Agency David for
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Luan Castilhos Luan Castilhos 10 meses
Jogo google
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Hugo Paraíso Hugo Paraíso 10 meses
Creating a commerce experience that turns milk barcodes into OREO offers
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Pedro Correia Pedro Correia 10 meses
There's An AI For That
The largest database of 12,417 AIs available for over 15,324 tasks. Use our smart AI search to find the best AI tools for...
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Afonso Azevedo Afonso Azevedo 10 meses
Dove celebra 20 anos de Beleza Real com iniciativa global para ampliar diversidade nas ferramentas de IA
Para comemorar duas décadas como uma marca sinônimo de diversidade e autenticidade na publicidade, Dove acaba de lançar a...
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Gis Marques Gis Marques 11 meses
Método SPARK
E-Book com check list para alavancar vendas no digital
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Gis Marques Gis Marques 11 meses
SXSW 2024: O Renascimento Humano na Era da IA -
Após retornar recentemente do SXSW 2024, um dos eventos mais influentes no cenário da inovação em Austin, Texas, trago com...
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Gis Marques Gis Marques 11 meses
Trends 2024 - Building brand devotion
5 principais tendências que irão moldar a fidelidade à marca e marketing de engajamento em 2024
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Gis Marques Gis Marques 11 meses
Exame Informática | Martech B2B Summit: Tem medo da IA? O segredo é testar, testar, testar
O aparecimento de várias ferramentas de Inteligência Artificial num curto período de tempo tem criado algum "ruído" junto das...
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Gis Marques Gis Marques 11 meses
LinkedIn Pages Messaging Is Here: Learn How to Use It
The roll-out of this much-requested feature across all LinkedIn Pages will give your audience the ability to reach out and...
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